For many, the iphone has had a transformational effect on the way they accomplish countless everyday tasks, many of which seem far removed from the things a phone would normally do. In order to maximize the things the phone can do, you need to gain a bit of knowledge. By reading the following article, you will soon be an expert on using your iphone.
Getting lost is a thing of the past if you have an iphone with you. You will be able to see your location with the map feature anytime you are in a service area. This is great for helping you get back home or visiting a new place you haven’t seen yet.
Update your phone when new updates are out. By updating your phone regularly, you’ll ensure that you’ll have the most up to date version on the operating system, including security patches and new features. You will also have to store all photos and other information you have on your computer in case something bad occurs to the phone, you’re covered.
It is pretty easy to retain images from Mail and Safari. Simply touch the picture and hold for a couple seconds. A box pops up with the save option.
It is not necessary to hit the ‘X’ when deleting AutoCorrect suggestions. You can simply tap the screen anywhere. That closes the box for you, a much faster solution.
It is possible to create your own dictionary, complete with shortcuts, using your iphone. There’s no reason your iphone shouldn’t anticipate the words you want to use. Word shortcuts and phrases can be added to the phone as well. These shortcuts will also be incorporated into the autocorrect feature of your phone.
You can download an app to allow your iphone to upload files and save them as a storage option. This allows you to add different types of multimedia to your iphone. You just connect your iphone to your computer and transfer your files from your computer to your iphone.
There are different ways that you can improve how fast your messages are created. You can dismiss a suggested word by tapping elsewhere on your screen. You don’t need to hit the “x” provided by the word.
Are there special characters such as umlauts or accents that you would like to use in your texts? Here’s how to get that accomplished. Touch the letter you’d like to see more options for, and hold down for a few seconds. A pop-up box should appear, featuring a variety of alternate keys. There you can choose as many of those keys as you’d like!
There are a lot of multimedia capabilities that you can use when you are playing with your iphone. By downloading episodes of your favorite television series, a classic movie or humorous clips from countless online sources, you can turn your iphone into an incredibly versatile solution for all of your entertainment needs.
You don’t need to tap the X to eliminate the suggestion box that appears when typing if it is annoying you. Just tap anyplace at all, and the word will go away.
Has the perfect shot ever escaped you because you were not able to open up your camera app quickly enough? There’s a faster way to take pictures. While the screen is locked, quickly tap the Home button twice. A camera icon will appear at the bottom of your screen after you do this. You tap the icon to quickly enable your camera functions.
It is possible to take a screenshot when using your iphone. It’s simple: hold the home button down and simultaneously click the sleep button at the top of your device. The screen should then turn white and you’ll know the picture was saved.
People really have their socks knocked off when they use an iphone for the first time and realize all the amazing things it can do. Novices don’t understand half of the things that an iphone can do for you. The iPhone’s true potential can be realized when you keep this information in mind.
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