Linux fedora hat is the complex technology system but it is very useful to work with desktop and network administration. If you are a new learner, you might need the resourceful book that can describe in detail with easy-to-understand explanation. To help you study effectively, you need a good quality book that can be used for class learning and self-study. Therefore, the followings are top ten best Linux fedora hats that will help you understand clearly on how to work with Linux.
10. Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Linux Fedora in 24 Hours
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This self-study book is written by Aron Hsiao, expert in Unix and Linux over 15 years. This book will help you understand clearly what Linux is. It is composed of a lot of important content for your comprehension like how to install, and setup Linux. In addition, reading this book you will understand about how the systems work and what you can do. Importantly, you will know about the last update information that make difficult thing become easy. Furthermore, this book demonstrates you the places that Linux is able to support and their comprehensive answers. Last but not least, within 24 hours you will become productive programmer with this beneficial book.
9. Fedora Bible 2011 Edition: Featuring Fedora Linux 14
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Fedora Bible 2011 Edition provides the readers the latest ideas and information about the most crucial changes for better and easier process. Written by Christopher Negus and Eric Foster-Johnson, you will catch their main messages easily due to its step-by-step description and simple writing. After reading, you will be aware of what have been revised and updated in Fedora Linux 14 from the previous version. Also, you will understand about using package kit, installing over the internet, and running Windows apps. Plus, you will find it easier on how to deal with Linux office. Finally, a DVD of the last updated distribution of Fedora Linux and bootable Live CD is added.
8. Red Hat Linux Fedora For Dummies (Kindle Edition)
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This book is very suitable for first time learners, because it demonstrates precisely and one by one on how to install and use the latest version. With the 408-page long, this kindle edition is able to provide you the wide range understanding of navigating the GNOME graphical user interfaces, and working in OpenOffice. Moreover, how to use WINE system and some new information of using Mozilla is included. Plus, connecting to the Internet with cable connection or DSL, and setting up a firewall is described as well in a simple writing style.
7. Fedora Linux: A Complete Guide to Red Hat’s Community Distribution
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If you find yourself difficult to work with Linux, try this book because it provides all essential information with easy-to-understand details. Its content is composed of the way to install Fedora and configure the KDE and GNOME desktops. Additionally, you will understand more on how to use Fedora by some explanations related to how to update, find and install the package working with it. Plus, it also provides some ideas regarding the Fedora’s security, backup, and setting up the server as well. This helpful book is written by Chris Tyler, professor at Seneca College in Toronto in the field of computer studies.
6. Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora
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This last edition book will tell you how to work more easily and effectively with Linux system. You can prepare your system properly before installing Linux. Understanding on how to configure desktop environments, KDE and GNOME, is included as well. Moreover, you are aware of how to setup Linux system for networking either on local area network or dialup connection. Furthermore, the book will show you on how to run some important tools on Linux like mailers, Openoffice, web browsers, and Evolution. Last but not least, finishing this book, you will be able to write shell scripts to use Linux extendedly.
5. Red Hat Fedora Linux 3 Bible
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Red Hat Fedora Linux 3 Bible comes with a DVD which contains of the full version of Red Hat Linux. This book describes clearly about administration system skills such as how to automate system tasks, back up, set up users and restore the files. Plus, it also tells you about the 2.6 Linux Kernel for the Linux security enhancement. The ideas of new multimedia applications and new audio and video offerings are also added for greater awareness. Finally, some basic concepts related to how to customize the desktop menus, icons, and window manager and the way to create formatted documents are demonstrated.
4. Fedora Linux Toolbox
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Fedora Linux Toolbox is the amazing book that helps you to use and run the servers with Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS effectively and efficiently. This book describes you on how to use the shell and work with files of Linux. In addition, it helps you more on accessing the network resources plus dealing with remote system. Besides, you will learn to back up data, check and manage the file systems, and also its running process. Importantly, you also get some knowledge relevant to locking down security for your own safety operation. Finally, written by two both well-known author, Christopher Negus and Francois Caen, this book is very easy to read and you will get the main message precisely.
3. Linux Administration: A Beginner’s Guide, Sixth Edition
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This kindle edition of the book will provide you the latest update of information regarding Linux distributions like Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and so forth. You will understand more about how to administer Linux servers from the command line and to manage users, folders and FOSS applications. Additionally, you will be able to work with proc, SysFS, and cgroup file systems more effectively and faster. Plus, after reading, you can get new knowledge about managing the Linux TCP/IP, building robust firewalls, and using LDAP or NIS. More and more knowledge you will get if you finish reading this worth-reading book.
2. A Practical Guide to Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7th Edition)
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It is the essential source of Fedora Red Hat Enterprise Linux to enable every reader to become expert in using this great system. You will get the knowledge related to Linux administration and security. Furthermore, you can understand how to set up Internet servers including Samba, Apache, Sendmail, DNS and so forth. The important lesson regarding Virtual Machines and Cloud computing are also included with detail explanation. This book is very suitable for new learners since it includes the first concept of Linux plus practical examples for easier understanding.
1. Linux Bible
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It comes with clear explanation, great detail, real examples, and exercises, making it the bestselling book on kindle edition. It can help you to understand more about installing, setting up, and using Linux systems with servers and desktops. You also have ability to deal with critical system of administration tasks. Besides, for better connection, you are aware of printing, filing, and Web servers. The way to use Linux security tools are also demonstrated in the book as well. For further operation of system, this book tells you about enterprise level computing. The author Chris Negus is an instructor for Red Hat, Inc. and has more than 25-year experience on system administrator to establish this excellent book.